Dog Rescued From 100-Degree U-Haul While Owners Chill at the Beach - Literally

Dog Rescued From 100-Degree U-Haul While Owners Chill at the Beach - Literally

2 minute read
Published: 6/5/2024

In what could only be described as a nightmare scenario for any dog lover, a distressed dog was rescued from a sweltering U-Haul truck in New Smyrna Beach, Florida. While the dog's owners were busy catching some rays and deliciously ironic beach vibes, their furry companion was enduring a heatwave inside a metal oven on wheels.

The U-Haul's internal temperature likely exceeded 100 degrees, considering the external temperature hovered around 86 degrees with no cloud cover. It’s a miracle the dog survived long enough for a passerby to report the poor animal's predicament to the local police.

Officers responded quickly, providing water to the panting canine through the slightly cracked window. After ensuring the dog had some much-needed hydration, the officers rescued the dog and promptly transported it to the Southeast Volusia Humane Society.

As for the dog’s owners, it seems like their relaxed beach day might be coming to an abrupt end. Charging affidavits have been sent to the State Attorney’s Office, with potential charges of confinement of animals without sufficient food, water, or exercise, and abandonment of animals on the horizon. If convicted, they face up to a year in jail, a $5,000 fine, or both for each charge. That's a hefty price to pay for a suntan.

Local police also took the opportunity to remind the public that leaving an animal (or child, for that matter) alone inside a vehicle is a surefire way to get a mention on the evening news—though not in a way you'll be proud to share on Facebook. In Florida, leaving pets inside a parked vehicle is considered animal cruelty, and for good reason.

A dog trapped inside a hot vehicle can suffer potentially fatal heat stroke in as little as 15 minutes. Dogs have a normal body temperature of around 100.5 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Without sweat glands all over their bodies, dogs can only cool down through panting. Unfortunately, when their body temperature rises to 105 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, the risk of heatstroke becomes critical.

Though the beach scene might seem idyllic, it’s clear that this dog’s owners would have benefited more from a good book on pet care rather than sunbathing. Not only does this incident serve as a stark reminder of the dangers of leaving pets in vehicles, but it also highlights the need for greater public awareness and responsibility towards animal welfare.

In the end, while the dog's owners were literally chilling by the sea, they left their poor pet to endure what could have easily turned into a deadly heatwave. Perhaps next time they head for the beach, they'll consider leaving their U-Haul dreams behind and pack a little more common sense.